Technology Changing the Nature of Client Communication
Home 9 Message from the Mentor 9 Technology Changing the Nature of Client Communication

by | May 28, 2013 | Message from the Mentor

Sales training focuses on the importance of communication and the relationships between clients and companies. The business world has always been centered around a strong network of contacts that relies on friendships and professional relations. Keeping in touch with connections will allow companies to grow and flourish in this economy. Brands that focus on customer service and inside sales show buyers that business relationships are important.

Technology at Play in Sales
Sales professionals need to keep in mind how technological advances change the way people communicate with each other. Bloomberg Businessweek featured an article on how sales are turning away from face-to-face communication. For every one outside salesperson hired, 10 or so are employed for inside sales, according to the source. While it is good to focus on keeping in contact with clients, what about the more intimate connections that in-person conversations create?

Customer Service Departments Affected, Too
Inc. magazine offered additional insight to the technological changes affecting companies’ customer service departments, saying customer loyalty now depends on how many channels a brand offers for client-company communication. Websites, email, social media and phone conversations are some of the ways today’s organizations use customer support in addition to the incorporation of customer management software.

How to Deal With Digital Changes
Companies should step back to get a better understanding of what digital devices will improve client communication, but only adopt those that will work with the nature of the business and the relationships the brand is founded on. While technology is an important part of capitalizing on new opportunities, human interaction is still an inherent form of conversation.

A recent Carew blog post by Andrew Sheeks confirms this, saying there still needs to be a strong emphasis on communication skills and techniques. Customer service and sales training programs both develop the attributes necessary to make communication the basis of every professional relationship. Technology assists the business world in ways never thought possible while also making companies think about how they can retain clients and build the organizations.

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